MinSG Observer Traits

The MinSG observer traits can be used to get notified when a node’s subtree has changed in some way.

The node itself is also part of its subtree!


This trait will add a MultiProcedure to a node, which is called whenever a new node is added to the node’s subtree. The signature of the function is onNodeAdded(newNode). You can add this trait to a node then manually add functions to the multiprocedure:

Traits.addTrait(node, MinSG.NodeAddedObserverTrait);
node.onNodeAdded += fn(newNode) {
  // do something

Instead of adding the function manually, you could also pass additional functions to the addTrait call:

Traits.addTrait(node, MinSG.NodeAddedObserverTrait, fn(newNode) {
    outln(newNode, " was added");


This trait will add a MultiProcedure called onNodeRemoved to the node. After a node is removed from the node’s subtree, node.onNodeRemoved(parent, removedNode) is called. Just like a NodeAddedObserverTrait, this trait optionally accepts additional functions passed to the addTrait call:

Traits.addTrait(node, MinSG.NodeRemovedObserverTrait, fn(parent, removedNode) {
    outln(removedNode, " was removed from ", parent);


This trait will add a MultiProcedure called onNodeTransformed to the node. Whenever a node of the node’s subtree is transformed, node.onNodeTransformed(transformedNode) is called. Just like the last two traits, this trait optionally accepts additional functions passed to the addTrait call:

Traits.addTrait(node, MinSG.TransformationObserverTrait, fn(transformedNode) {
    outln(transformedNode, " was transformed");