One of EScript’s many similarities to JavaScript is the handling of types. EScript is not a class based language, but instead a prototype based language. The easiest way to get started with user defined objects is by using the ExtObject. You can create a new instance of an ExtObject and define new attributes for it. You can afterwards access and modify the attributes as you like.

var car = new ExtObject;
car.color := "red"; // := creates a new member
car.speed := 190;
car.outputDesc := fn() {
  out("This is a ", this.color , " car ");
  out("with top speed ", this.speed , ".\n");
car.speed = 185;

As you can see object attributes are defined with this syntax: object.attribute := value;. You can change the value of an attribute afterwards by using the normal assignment syntax: object.attribute = value;. If there is already an attribute with this name defined, EScript won’t give a warning. If on the other hand an attribute is accessed that was not defined earlier, EScript will give warning:

car.acceleration = 0; // Warning: Attribute not found 'acceleration'

Types and Inheritance

As already mentioned, EScript is not a class based language, but a prototype based one. But it is possible to achieve something similar to a class, by instantiating a new Type:

var Shape = new Type;
Shape.color := "white"; // Define object attribute with value "white"

// New type that is derived from Shape
var Polygon = new Type(Shape);
Polygon.numVertices := 3;

// New type that is derived from Shape
var Circle = new Type(Shape);
Circle.radius := 0;

// instantiate a new Circle
var circle = new Circle;
circle.color = "red";
circle.radius = 5;

Here one must be careful, because every attribute of a new instance will be set to the specified value. If the value is a value type, like a number or a string, the value is copied. But if it is a reference type, every instance will point to the same object!

Polygon.vertices := [];
var a = new Polygon;
a.vertices[0] = 42;
var b = new Polygon;
outln(b.vertices[0]); // Output: 42

This code will output the value 42, because both instances are refering to the same array! To overcome this issue you can provide attributes with annotations: object.attribute @(<list of annotations) := value;. In this case we look at the init annotation:

Polygon.vertices @(init) := Array;
var a = new Polygon;
a.vertices[0] = 42;
var b = new Polygon;
outln(b.vertices[0]); // Output: void

If you instanciate a new Polygon, the vertices attribute will be now set to a new array.

Other useful annotations are the private and const annotations. A private attribute can be only accessed by the this object. The value of a const attribute cannot be changed afterwards.

Another annotation is used to denote that a function is overiding the parent function:

var Parent = new Type;
Parent.print ::= fn() {
  outln("I'm the parent!");
var Child = new Type(Parent);
Child.print @(override) ::= fn() {
  outln("I'm the child!");

You can overide a function without using this annotation, but it is recommended to use this annotation, because EScript will give a warning if there is no function to override:

// Warning: Attribute marked with @(override) does not override.
Child.println @(override) ::= fn() {
  outln("I'm the child!");  

As you can see, this annotation will give you a hint if you accidentally try to override a function that does not exist in the parent.

Static Attributes

You can define static attributes by using ::= instead of :=. In many cases you can define your object functions statically, because they are the same for all instances.

var T = new Type;
T.value := 42;
T.print ::= fn() {
  outln("value=" + this.value);
var a = new T;
a.value = 10;
a.print(); // Output: value=10
T.print(); // Output: value=42

Because EScript is prototype based, the this object of the Type object will point to the type itself and therefore T.print() will print out the value of the prototype.


It is also possible to define an own constructor. This is done by implementing an attribute with the special name _constructor. If a new instance of the type is instanciated with the new keyword, this attribute is called:

var Animal = new Type; := void;
Animal._constructor ::= fn(n){
	name = n;
Animal.print ::= fn(){
	out("My name is ", name, "\n");
var a = new Animal("Pubert");

Before the body of a constructor is executed, the constructor of the super type is executed. If you want to give some parameters to the super constructor, you have to use the following syntax: Type._constructor ::= fn(constructorParams) @(super(constructorParams)) { ... }

var Animal = new Type; := void;
Animal.canFly := void;
Animal._constructor ::= fn(n, f){
	name = n;
	canFly = f;
	out("Animal created\n");
Animal.print ::= fn(){
	out("My name is ", name, "and I can ", (canFly ? "fly" : "not fly"), ".\n");

var Dragon = new Type(Animal);
Dragon._constructor ::= fn(n) @(super(n + " the Great", true)){ // explicit call to super constructor
	out("Dragon created\n");

var a = new Dragon("Pubert");