

Poppycock and experimental stuff should go here. Furthermore classes that are used seldom belong here. This is a good place to try out new things and let them mature. For example code that is developed during theses or code that needs external libraries should be put here. If the code is tried and tested it may be moved to Core . There are subdirectories that contain related classes (for example classes from a thesis or for one special purpose). All experimental code should be surrounded by a guard (see the following code example; do this in header and source files).

... your code ...


namespace MinSG::AGVS
namespace MinSG::BlueSurfels
namespace MinSG::Evaluators
namespace MinSG::ImageCompare
namespace MinSG::ImpostorFactory
namespace MinSG::MixedExtVisibility
namespace MinSG::MAR
namespace MinSG::OutOfCore
namespace MinSG::PathTracing
namespace MinSG::Physics
namespace MinSG::PipelineStatistics
namespace MinSG::Profiling
namespace MinSG::RayCasting
namespace MinSG::SamplingAnalysis
namespace MinSG::SkeletalAnimationUtils
namespace MinSG::SVS
namespace MinSG::TreeBuilder
namespace MinSG::TreeSync
namespace MinSG::TriangleTrees
namespace MinSG::Triangulation
namespace MinSG::TwinPartitions
namespace MinSG::VisibilityMerge
namespace MinSG::VisibilitySubdivision
namespace MinSG::VoxelWorld


class MinSG::ColorCube
class MinSG::ColorCubeGenerator
class MinSG::ColorCubeRenderer
class MinSG::KeyFrameAnimationData
class MinSG::KeyFrameAnimationNode