_bind(p0 [, p1]) |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject._bind(bufferTarget, [location]) |
_constructor() |
[ESMF] BufferObject new BufferObject() |
_unbind(p0 [, p1]) |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject._unbind(bufferTarget, [location]) |
allocateData(p0, p1, p2) |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.allocateData(bufferTarget, numBytes, usageHint) |
clear(p0 [, p1 [, p2 [, p3 [, p4]]]]) |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.clear(bufferTarget, [Number value, [internalFormat=GL_R32UI, format=GL_RED_INTEGER, type=GL_UNSIGNED_INT]]) |
copy(p0, p1, p2, p3) |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.copy(BufferObject source, sourceOffset, targetOffset, size) |
destroy() |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.destroy() |
downloadData(p0, p1, p2 [, p3]) |
[ESF] Array BufferObject.downloadData(bufferTarget, count, type, [offset]) |
isValid() |
[ESMF] Bool BufferObject.isValid() |
prepare() |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.prepare() |
swap() |
[ESMF] thisEObj BufferObject.swap(E_BufferObject) |
uploadData(p0, p1, p2 [, p3]) |
[ESF] thisEObj BufferObject.uploadData(bufferTarget, Array of float/Vec3/Vec4/Matrix4x4, usageHint, [type]) |
uploadSubData(p0, p1, p2 [, p3]) |
[ESF] thisEObj BufferObject.uploadSubData(bufferTarget, Array of float/Vec3/Vec4/Matrix4x4, offset, [type]) |