EScripts syntax is very similar to JavaScript, therefore you could just set the language of your favorite editor to JavaScript, but in order to highlight all keywords, it might be better to use a special EScript highlighting.

For some editors we already have a corresponding highlighting file.


The syntax is defined in EScriptNPP.xml. In order to install it you have to click on Language -> Define your language. A new window will pop up and there you have to click on import. This will open an open file dialog and here you have to select the EScriptNPP.xml file.


Simply install the language-escript package under Packages -> Settings View -> Install Packages/Themes.

Code Blocks

The syntax is defined in lexer_escript.xml. To enable it, copy the file to ???\CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\lexers, where ??? is your Code Blocks installation folder.

Other Editors

Many editors allow to define an own language. Therefore you can use the following keywords and other settings. After each block the color and font used in the Notepad++ highlighting is shown.


Actual keywords of the language, that cannot be used as variable names.

for foreach do while continue break as exit
try catch throw
if else
fn function return lambda yield
var static global new this thisFn
namespace getIterator _constructor _get _set super
true false void null
  • Color: #950055
  • Style: Bold

Predefined types/variables

GLOBALS Array ArrayIterator
Collection Delegate Exception ExtObject Function Iterator Map MapIterator NumberRef Parser Pointer ReferenceObject Runtime Script IO Math Rand
Bool Number Object String Type Void Identifier
  • Color: #0080C0
  • Style: Bold

Predefined functions

assert chr clock getDate getOS getRuntime load loadOnce out outln parse parseJSON print_r system time toJSON _callFunction _parseJSON _toJSON toBool toNumber toString
  • Color: #0000FF
  • Style: Bold

Attribute modifier

Modifiers that are used inside of an attribute description, like T.x @(private) := 42;

private init const override type


__FILE__ __DIR__ __LINE__
  • Color: #808080
  • Style: Bold


- ! % & ( ) * , . : ; ? [ ] ^ | ~ + < = > @
  • Color: #0000FF
  • Style: Normal


Strings are surrounded by either " or by ' and can be escaped by \ like: "stringA\n" or 'stringB\n'

  • Color: #FF0000
  • Style: Normal


Single line comments start with //. Multiline comments start with /* and end with */.

  • Color: #008000
  • Style: Normal


Names that start with an $ sign are special Identifier literals.

  • Color: #800080
  • Style: Bold