UI Events

An Util.UI.Event object represents a single UI event. Each instance has a type attribute, which determines the kind of event and several different other attributes depending on this type. The type attribute is a number representing the actual type of event and is equal to one of the following constants:


The additional attributes of each event are described in more detail in the following sections.

Resize Event

This event is fired whenever the size of the window changes.

  • width - The new width of the window in pixels
  • height - The new height of the window in pixels

Keyboard Event

This event is fired whenever a key is pressed or released.

  • key - The scancode of the pressed/released key. All key values are defined as constants in the Util.UI namespace. For example Util.UI.KEY_SPACE for the spacebar.
  • str - The string representation of the pressed key (e.g. "h") or the empty string if the pressed key was a control sequence, like Util.UI.KEY_SHIFTR.
  • pressed - Whether the key was pressed down or released.

Mouse Button Event

This event is fired whenever a mouse button is pressed or released.

  • x - X position of the mouse click in window space (origin is in the top left corner)
  • y - Y position of the mouse click
  • button - The button index e.g. Util.UI.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT. The mousewheel is also considered a button: Util.UI.MOUSE_WHEEL_UP and Util.UI.MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN
  • pressed - Whether the button was pressed down or released.

Mouse Motion

This event is fired whenever the mouse is moved inside the window.

  • x - X position of the cursor in window space (origin is in the top left corner)
  • y - Y position of the cursor
  • deltaX - Change in x-direction since the last motion event.
  • deltaY - Change in y-direction since the last motion event.
  • buttonMask - Bitmask describing which of the three main buttons are pressed: Util.UI.MASK_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT / _MIDDLE / _RIGHT or Util.UI.MASK_NO_BUTTON

Joystick/Gamepad Events

PADrend also supports joysticks and gamepads, but they must be already connected when PADrend starts, otherwise they are not recognized until you restart PADrend. Each joystick event contains a joystickattribute, which is a number referencing a joystick. Therefore two different joysticks will have to different joystick values.


This event is fired whenever any axis of any joystick is moved.

  • axis - An integer describing the index of the axis
  • value - The raw value of the axis, typically in the range of -32768 to 32767


This event is fired whenever a button is pressed or released

  • button - An integer describing the index of the button
  • pressed - Whether the button was pressed or released

Hat switch (or D-Pad or POV)

This event is fired whenever the direction of the D-Pad changes

  • hat- An integer describing the index of the hat switch
  • value - Bitmask of the direction buttons: Util.UI.MASK_HAT_CENTER / _UP / _RIGHT / _DOWN / _LEFT

XBox360 Mapping

The XBox360 controller is an often used controller and this section describes the (Windows) mapping of it. The range of each axis goes from -32768 to 32767.

| axis number | Corresponding gamepad axis | -32768 | 32767 | ———- | ———- | | 0 | Left x-axis | Left | Right | | 1 | Left y-axis | Up | Down | | 2 | Left and Right Trigger | RT | LT | | 3 | Right y-axis | Up | Down | | 4 | Right x-axis | Left | Right | Unfortunatelly PADrend uses only DirectInput and not XInput, therefore the left and right triggers are mapped to the same axis. This will result in -MAX if RT is totally pressed and +MAX if LT is totally pressed. If none or both are pressed the axis will yield 0.

The center position of each axis is not always exactly zero, therefore a value of +-1000 should be treated as zero. Very old or used-up gamepads might even have a deviation of +-3000.

button number Corresponding button
0 A
1 B
2 X
3 Y
4 LB
5 RB
6 Back
7 Start
8 LS
9 RS

The XBox360 gamepad only has one hat-switch, which is numbered as 0.